Sunday, August 30, 2009

ate eJ and kUia carlo..waiting for their duet..@2AM

shobe, te jes, and flora...
2nd voice c ate jes..haha


sunset at samal!!08/31/09
c kerlson naa sa taas...gakaon spaghetti...

sipulveda residence@samal island...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

being with "J"!!

i never thought it feels good to be with new set of friends....but our duty became more exciting and fascinating!!!

hope we can be like this till graduation onwards!!!

group1 duty members:

ate mae..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


don't allow the negative responses of others to determine your value...

who are they to judge you anyway??

people are not the experts of our worth;

GOD is..

stop there!

what's happening to the world naba??
paki explain nga...
paki elaborate...
paki discuss..

nonsense aU no??

Monday, March 16, 2009

h0w mUch iS tOo mUch??

different people have different levels of pain tolerance and emotional loads...
there are those who can can have a thousand tons and those who can't even have a hundred...
what is too much for me..
is not for others..

i guess i don't have the capacity of a thousand...
more than a hundred maybe...
i easily get hurt and sick of everything!!

maybe sooner or later..
this pain i feel will ease a bit..]
this wounded heart be healed and all...

i'm tired of crying...
its like my eyes dried up of tears...

but this imperfect world,
though they offer too mUch sorrows and grief..
i'm happy that i can spend even a single moment of my life with joy and contentment...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

why now??

i thought everything was settled then...

but one day i just woke up and found out that everything is just "kaplastikan"

well,, what can i do??

i don't know people's feelings.....
i can't read peoples thoughts....
where in the deepest part of their hearts and minds...
they keep this hatred and jealousy for others!!

i hope it did not reach this far...
not this deep...

its just better that the broken vase is not fix well...
cause if it was..
i know...
the next time its broken....
it will get you wounded
it will be very hard to fix it
hard to accept
that you cannot have it back!

just me!!

every person has different impression about me..

people believe that i am...

Very emotional

i don't deny the fact that i am:

i talk a lot
i laugh so loud
i always have low self esteem
i always feel inferior
i don't think so
but my being arrogant only appears when people provoke me
(cause i think they need a shot of it!to let them realize that they are arrogant too..)
maybe i am just too honest that i say what i see
too bad to tell them what i really feel or think
yes i am!
especially when it comes to love and crushes
very emotional...
yes, maybe, no!
maybe because i cry easily
(well that's the only outlet of my emotions..i dont think its bad at all)

i am not the kind of person who gets angry
when being criticized
when being reprimanded
in short close minded and mapride...
if their point is very obvious, why insist what you believe??

but i am a person who stand for what i believe as long as it is still reasonable and right..

i' ll be glad to be criticized, reprimanded...
cause it will help me to become a person of character...

people who back stab, who always see the faults of others
are actually seeing their own...

so be careful ....